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07 July 2006

Why Scottish Enterprise is out of control

Scottish enterprise, the company that encourages businesses to have a business plan and follow it are recently famous for overspending by £34 million on theirs. oops. Even more oops for the poor 100 people having to lose their jobs because the heid bummers have problems with sums - something for which they got a severe ticking off from the Scottish Parliament.

Nonetheless, my insiders at SE are telling me they are fed up with hopeless IT systems that don't work and get in the way of them doing their jobs. So I wrote to the head of ICT at aforesaid troubled organisation offering my help.

My mail of 19th May went unacknowledged and unanswered.
My followup mail of 27th May went unacknowledged and unanswered.
My followup mail of 22nd June went unacknowledged and unanswered (although I see it has been picked up due to the read receipt, but not by the person it was sent to)
My followup mail of 2nd July went unacknowledged and unanswered as above except for a response by Alex Neil MSP.

Is this the company that runs courses for businesses on customer service? Is this the same company that preaches effective use of e-mail?

A simple "thanks for your email" would be enough.

Nearly 2 months for a response. No wonder things are so bad there.

1 comment:

Craig Cockburn said...

6 hours after posting this blog article, I got a response.


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